Often times patients accumulate huge volumes of medical history (ambuláns lap) with inaccurate or conflicting diagnoses or perhaps with a promising diagnosis only to find that the therapy isn’t working. Low-grade chronic infections can have a very confusing and misleading clinical picture not properly categorized by mainstream medicine. Here is a non-exhaustive list of indications suggesting that your health issues may have an infectious origin: conflicting diagnoses or perhaps with a promising diagnosis only to find that the therapy isn’t working. Low-grade chronic infections can have a very confusing and misleading clinical picture not properly categorized by mainstream medicine. Here is a non-exhaustive list of indications suggesting that your health issues may have an infectious origin:
You have been diagnosed with Lyme but failed those treatments or relapsed soon after therapy
You have very diffuse and seemingly unrelated symptoms and paid multiple visits to gastroenterlogists, rheumatologists and neurologists/psychiatrists to no avail
You appear to have very high IgG titers or even positive IgM for Epstein-Barr or Cytomegalovirus or Mycplasma or Chlamydia or Herpes family or Helicobacter or Toxoplasma or Brucella or Yersinia but adequate therapy yields no relief
You suffer from histamine intolerance and/or food intolerances or SIBO but strict diet only provides temporary relief
You have bladder/urinary tract irritation or pain but you are culture negative
Fever of unknown origin, lower than usual body temperatue or shivering without a reason often occurs
You have received a diagnosis of Fybromyalgia or Chronic Pain without a clear root cause
You have been given an explanation that your symptoms are part of a post infectious phenomenon where the infection is gone – so there is nothing to treat – but it tripped the immune system to autoimmunity or caused persistent symptoms
If you are a lady suffering from hair loss, alopecia and unexplained infertility or had a miscarriage
Finally, please review the questionnaire below and see how many ’Yes’ answers you collected. If it’s
5-nél kisebb: valószínűtlen, hogy krónikus fertőzése lenne
5-10 közé esik: lehetséges, hogy Önnek krónikus fertőzése van
10-nél nagyobb: nagyon valószínű, hogy Önnek krónikus fertőzése van, érdemes lenne egy kifejezetten erre a célra összeállított labortesztet csináltatnia